The University of Wisconsin-Madison African Studies Program created the annual Jan Vansina Lecture to honor the legacy of Jan Vansina, one of the world’s foremost historians of Africa.
October 14, 2021, 12pm CST.
This virtual event has passed. You can view the event recording here.

The fourth annual Jan Vansina Lecture was presented by Yala Kisukidi. Kisukidi was born in Brussels, from a congolese (DRC) father and a franco-italian mother. She is Associate Professor in philosophy at Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis University. She was vice-president of the Collège International de Philosophie (2014-2016). Member of the Critical Time (Duke University), Les Cahiers d’études africaines (CNRS, Ehess) and Multitudes ( editorial committee, she is now, co-curator of the Yango II Biennale, Kinshasa / RDC that will take place in Kinshasa in november 2021 and january 2022. She has published Bergson ou l’humanité créatrice (Paris, CNRS, 2013), directed collective essays ( Afrocentricités (Kisukidi, Guedj dir.) for the revue Tumultes in 2019 ; Kinshasa Star Line (Kisukidi dir.) for the revue Multitudes in 2020) and written many articles in french and africana philosophy. She is now preparing a book on Africana philosophy (Le Seuil, january 2023).
Her paper is titled, “Waking Dreams : A Philosophy of African Independences.”